
Fethiye - Marmaris - Datca - Bodrum 8 Days / 7 Nights Itinerary

Day 1: Fethiye to Cleopatra Baths

Embark on an exhilarating journey at 16:00, as esteemed guests gracefully traverse the threshold of a gulet, their seafaring abode for the ensuing week. The vessel sets course for Tersane Island, a once-revered Ottoman harbor renowned for its venerable shipwright legacy. Along the coastline, discern the enigmatic Byzantine remnants or luxuriate in an aquatic reverie with a backdrop of forsaken Ottoman-Greek residences.

Post-aquatic interlude, the maritime sojourn unfolds to Cleopatra Baths (sunken monastery) Bay, an aquatic theater for snorkeling amidst the vestiges of Roman baths beneath the azure waves. The night descends upon Batik Hamam or an adjacent bay, cradling the voyage in nocturnal tranquility.

Day 2 : Cleopatra Baths to Ekincik Bay

A continuation of the odyssey leads to Ekincik, a destination resonating with the echoes of an ancient Lycian metropolis, a crowning jewel in the Blue Cruise diadem. Here, an opportunity arises to embark on a local riverboat, charting a course through the labyrinthine channels veiled by the reeds of the protected Dalyan Delta wetlands.

Optional Tour: Dalyan and Mud Baths.

Embark on an Optional Tour to Dalyan and Mud Baths, immersing in the therapeutic allure of mineral-rich mud baths, a purported elixir for skin rejuvenation. Dalyan unfolds its modern charm, juxtaposed against the age-old allure of ancient Caunos, where the sepulchral abodes of Lycian nobility are hewn into the cliffs. The return journey to Ekincik Bay unfolds along the silken expanse of Iztuzu Beach, a sandy sanctuary and nesting haven for the venerable Caretta loggerhead turtles.

Day 3 : Ekincik Bay to Bozukkale

With the dawn’s embrace, the maritime escapade recommences from Ekincik Bay, an early departure beckoning towards the idyllic Serce Bay. Delight in the crystalline depths, an aquatic canvas inviting discerning snorkelers on the gulet cabin charter trajectory.

A leisurely repast awaits, fostering relaxation before navigating towards Bozukkale (ancient Loryma) as the twilight descends. Optionally, partake in an exploratory stroll to the venerable Rhodian shore fort, sentinel to the timeworn harbor.

Day 4 : Bozukkale to Selimiye

Embarking on day four, the maritime sojourn unveils Dirsekbuku, a secluded haven inviting contemplative walks along ancient trails, unveiling panoramic vistas of the bay’s azure embrace. Traverse paths laden with history, passing by Byzantine monasteries and fortresses en route to the Gulf of Hisaronu. A midday respite unfolds in a tranquil bay before reaching Selimiye village, where quayside restaurants (lokantas) beckon for a convivial libation against the maritime backdrop.

Day 5 : Selimiye to Datca

Journeying towards Datca, the day unfolds with intermittent aquatic interludes culminating in Kargi Cove. Datca, a resplendent harbor enclave with the old village of Eski Datca nestled 8km inland, emerges on the horizon. The evening transpires in the captivating Datca harbor or a proximate bay, bestowing an enchanting denouement to this aquatic odyssey.

Day 6 : Datca to Cnidus

The dawn heralds an early departure from Datca, the maritime trajectory setting course towards Cnidus, an ancient Carian citadel steeped in history. Delve into the ongoing excavation of ruins, a testament to a bygone era. Witness the vestiges of dual harbors, one for commerce and the other military, adorned with the grandeur of an amphitheater that echoes ancient tales. Subsequently, the gulet sails to the serene Mersincik Bay, its idyllic inlet and crystalline waters offering a visual feast.

Day 7 : Cnidus to Orak Island/Bodrum

At daybreak, commence the trans-gulf voyage to Kissebuku Bay, a realm of enchanting coves and Byzantine relics concealed amidst olive groves along the coastline. As afternoon hues paint the maritime canvas, the journey unfolds to Orak Island for a night’s repose, or alternatively, the bustling embrace of Bodrum Harbour.

Day 8: Bodrum

The final chapter unfolds in Bodrum, where the day commences with a sumptuous breakfast, culminating in a check-out by 10:00 am. The curtains draw on this chartered odyssey, leaving indelible memories of a maritime escapade through the enchanting waters of Turkey.

Clear Filters
8 Cabins
20 Guest
27 m
8 Cabins
18 Guest
30 m
14 Cabins
28 Guest
44 m
6 Cabins
12 Guest
27 m
8 Cabins
16 Guest
36 m
6 Cabins
12 Guest
28 m