Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page, designed to provide you with comprehensive information and answers to common queries about our services. Whether you are considering booking a captivating Blue Cruise, exploring our intriguing Land Tours, or utilizing our user-friendly Booking Manager System, we aim to address your inquiries and ensure a seamless experience.

This page serves as a valuable resource, offering insights into the booking process, tour details, and essential information for a memorable journey with us. Browse through the sections below for detailed responses to your most common questions, empowering you with the knowledge needed to make the most of your travel adventure.

Using Our Booking Manager System
Our Booking Manager System streamlines the reservation process, allowing you to effortlessly book your desired Blue Cruise or Land Tour with ease and convenience. Accessible and user-friendly, our system ensures a seamless booking experience for all travelers.

What is the Booking Manager?
The Booking Manager offered by Alaturca serves as an integrated platform catering to all travel requirements within Turkey. It serves as a centralized hub where travelers can arrange bookings for various services including cruises, overland tours, accommodations, and transfers throughout Turkey. Alaturca, the proprietor, oversees and operates this comprehensive booking management system, providing customers with a convenient avenue to fulfill their travel needs within Turkey.

What services can I book using this program?
The Booking Manager system has been meticulously crafted to facilitate seamless reservations across a spectrum of services offered by Alaturca. Clients can utilize the platform to book an array of services, including:
• Alaturca cruises to diverse destinations.

• Accommodation options spanning various locations across Turkey.

• Tours covering the entirety of Turkey.

• Airport Transfers available in any location as per the traveler’s requirements.
Through the Booking Manager, customers gain access to a comprehensive suite of travel services, ensuring a hassle-free booking experience tailored to their preferences and itinerary.

How does the Booking Manager work?
The Booking Manager operates as a user-friendly tool designed to streamline the planning, booking, and payment processes for travelers, enabling them to optimize their time in Turkey. The workflow entails the following steps:

1. Selection: Users navigate through menu items encompassing tours, gulet cruises, ferries, accommodations, or transfers.

2. Location and Details: Clients specify their desired location, cruise departure, or transfer direction, followed by selecting the preferred tour or service and entering requisite details.

3. View Cart: After entering all necessary information, users review their selections in the VIEW CART section, where they can modify or add additional bookings as needed.

4. Customer Details: Once satisfied with their choices, customers proceed to enter personal details and any special requests in the provided fields.

5. Confirmation: Upon completion, the booking is submitted to the Alaturca team for approval and confirmation. Customers are advised to monitor their email, including junk mail, for correspondence regarding their booking status.

The Booking Manager empowers travelers with flexibility and efficiency, allowing them to customize their itineraries with ease.

Am I able to change any of my bookings in the Booking Manager?
Indeed, clients retain the flexibility to modify their bookings at any stage before completing Step 4 of the booking process. The Booking Manager accommodates changes, additions, or deletions to bookings, ensuring that travelers can adjust their arrangements to align with evolving preferences or circumstances. Users may utilize the back button within the platform to navigate back to relevant sections for making alterations as required.

When will I receive my tickets and/or itinerary?
The issuance of tickets and/or itineraries is contingent upon the finalization of bookings and receipt of payment by Alaturca. Clients can expect to receive their tickets and/or itineraries subsequent to the completion of payment and confirmation of the booking by the Alaturca team. Itineraries are typically provided for tours such as Gallipoli & Troy, Cappadocia, or multiple tours, whereas cruises, airport transfers, and accommodations necessitate ticket confirmations which serve as adequate documentation for the respective services.
It is imperative to note that once payment has been processed, clients are unable to effect changes to their bookings via the Booking Manager. In the event of alterations to travel plans, clients are encouraged to directly contact Alaturca via email to facilitate any necessary adjustments, with the potential application of applicable fees depending on the nature of the modification.

Embark on a memorable journey with our Blue Cruise or Cabin Charter options, offering unparalleled experiences along the stunning Turkish coastline. Whether you prefer the intimacy of a private cabin or the camaraderie of a shared cruise, our Blue Cruise options cater to diverse preferences, ensuring an unforgettable voyage.

When do the cabin cruises depart?
Alaturca offers cabin cruises departing almost every day of the week, starting from April and continuing through till the end of October. The departures take place from either Olympos or Fethiye, providing flexibility for travelers. It is noteworthy that booking online enhances the overall experience, as upon confirmation, you will receive a comprehensive pre-departure pack containing valuable information regarding your upcoming cruise. For further details, you may refer to the provided booklet or continue reading below.
The scheduling of these cruises allows for a broad range of options, catering to diverse preferences and travel plans. By offering departures on an almost daily basis, Alaturca aims to accommodate various itineraries and ensure accessibility for travelers throughout the specified period.

Do I need to book ahead?
Alaturca highly recommends making reservations in advance rather than opting for spontaneous bookings on the spot. In the past, guidebooks suggested heading to the harbor and directly booking with the boats. However, due to the increasing popularity of these cabin cruises in recent years, relying on last-minute bookings may result in disappointment as the cruises are prone to being fully sold out.

Moreover, there are significant advantages to booking online ahead of time. These benefits may include savings on the cruise cost itself and the possibility of availing discounts on optional excursions during the cruise. It is crucial to note that during peak seasons, the cabins can be fully booked two to three weeks ahead of departure. Therefore, booking ahead, especially in peak season, becomes essential to secure a spot and avoid any inconvenience.

What are the sleeping arrangements on board?
The sleeping arrangements on board the cabin cruises are diverse, and Alaturca strives to cater to individual preferences at the time of booking. Passengers are encouraged to specify their preferences for a twin, double, or shared cabin during the booking process. However, it is important to note that the cabin layouts may vary depending on the specific boat.

Some boats offer exclusively double rooms, while others may have a mix of doubles, twins, or even triples with a combination of one large double bed and one single bunk. In some cases, quad cabins are also available. Alaturca acknowledges that cabin requests may not always be within its control, as they depend on the scheduled boat for the day of the cruise. Nevertheless, it is guaranteed that all cabins come equipped with a private bathroom and a hot shower.

For solo travelers, sharing a cabin with another solo traveler is standard practice unless the boat is not at full capacity. Private cabins are also an option, albeit at an additional cost in the form of a single supplement. Interestingly, during peak summer cruising months, many passengers prefer to sleep on the deck under the stars, enhancing the overall experience.

Where are the other passengers from?
A significant portion of Alaturca’s customer base is comprised of individuals from English-speaking countries. However, the cruises attract a diverse international crowd, including guests from various European and Asian nations. There is no dominant nationality among the passengers, leading to a rich mix of cultures and backgrounds.

This international diversity adds to the unique experience of the cabin cruises, fostering a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. Travelers have the opportunity to interact with people from around the world, creating a vibrant and dynamic social setting throughout the journey.

Can I specifically book cabin cruises as a quiet relaxing trip or a party boat?
Alaturca adopts a flexible approach to passenger preferences, refraining from seeking specific information about the desired atmosphere during the booking process. The cruise operator does not inquire about ages or demographics, maintaining an inclusive booking process. Consequently, passengers are not aware of the composition of their fellow travelers until the morning of departure.

The atmosphere on the gulet is largely shaped by the passengers themselves, and Alaturca’s crew endeavors to make the experience enjoyable for everyone. While the cruise operator cannot guarantee whether a particular trip will be characterized as a quiet, relaxing journey or a lively party boat, it assures travelers that departures occur every day. With multiple gulets departing on some days, Alaturca takes into consideration age groups and any special requests when allocating passengers to a specific boat, enhancing the potential for a tailored and enjoyable experience for all.

How many crew members will be on the trip?
There are typically three dedicated crew members on each gulet. This crew consists of a Captain, Chef, and Skipper, ensuring a well-rounded and efficient team to manage the various aspects of the cruise. Depending on the specific size and conditions of the gulet, there might be a slight variation in the crew count, with the possibility of one less or one extra crew member on board. This flexibility allows for optimal service and safety depending on the unique characteristics of each gulet.

Will the crew speak English?
While English may not be Turkey’s first language, you can generally expect at least one crew member on board who can communicate fluently in English. The crew is well-versed in handling international guests, and efforts are made to ensure effective communication throughout the trip. The presence of English-speaking crew members enhances the overall experience for travelers, providing essential assistance and information during the cruise.

What do I need to bring on board?
Upon receiving your confirmation ticket, an essential pre-departure information pack is attached to the email. This pack contains crucial details about your upcoming cruise, including what is included and what is not. To avoid surprises on the day of departure, it is imperative to thoroughly read and understand the information provided.

The essential packing list includes
1. Passports for check-in.
2. Towels (Note: Bath or swimming towels are not provided by alaturca).
3. Personal items such as sunblock, after sun lotion, mosquito repellent, seasickness tablets, sunglasses, swimsuit, camera, and shoes for        onshore visits. (Note: Shoes are not allowed to be worn on the boat.)
4. Cigarettes or snacks, as they are not sold on board.
It’s important to note that bringing any drinks on board, including water, is not permitted. However, you can purchase drinks along the way at some of the harbors you visit.

What’s included and what’s not included?
• Accommodation in a cabin with a private bathroom.
• Three meals a day, plus afternoon tea.
• All gulet taxes, port fees, and harbor departure paperwork.
• Bed linen.

Not Included
• Drinks.
• Entrance fees.
• Optional extras like water sports or other offered activities.
• Tips for the crew.
• Bath and swimming towels.
• Snacks.

Do you provide towels?
Swimming towels are not provided on board, and alaturca only offers bath towels. Therefore, it is essential for passengers to bring their swimming towels for use during the trip. An additional towel or light sarong is recommended for use on sunbeds, protecting them from sunscreen and salt on the body.

Am I allowed to bring my drinks on board?
No, bringing any drinks on board, including water, is not permitted. Alaturca requests passengers to refrain from bringing any beverages on board. All drinks are available for purchase on board at reasonable prices. The Captain has the discretion to charge passengers caught with their drinks on board or confiscate them, returning them at the end of the trip.

Is there snorkeling gear and water sports equipment on the gulet?
Yes, most alaturca boats provide snorkeling equipment and some water sport flotation devices. The availability of this equipment may vary from boat to boat, and passengers will share it with others on the cruise. For those keen on snorkeling or desiring a floatable sunbed at every swimming stop, it is advisable to bring along personal gear to ensure a more personalized and enjoyable experience.

Is there anywhere that I can charge my camera, phone, or other electrical items on the gulet?
All gulets are equipped with standard power plugs providing 12W or 24W power, which may not be sufficient for charging larger electrical items such as laptops or for using devices like hair dryers or hair straighteners. However, this power is suitable for charging smaller devices like phones, iPods, or camera batteries. While in the harbor, passengers have access to 220W power, which is ideal for charging larger items if necessary. Some gulets are equipped with generators that allow charging at 220W, although this is only operational at specific times. Additionally, certain gulets operate solely on solar power, enhancing sustainability and environmental consciousness.

Do the gulets have air conditioning?
All our gulets are Classic Turkish Wooden Gulets. Gulets on tours departing on Saturdays and Sundays offer the option of air conditioning, while on other days, there is no air conditioning available on board. This information ensures passengers are aware of the amenities provided and can plan accordingly for their comfort during the cruise.

What if I am on a special diet? Do you cater to special dietary requirements?
For passengers with special dietary requirements such as vegetarian, vegan, or allergies, alaturca makes every effort to accommodate specific needs. It is advised to email ahead of the cruise to inform the crew of any dietary restrictions. Additionally, passengers are encouraged to remind the crew member during check-in, allowing the chef to be informed promptly. This proactive approach ensures that dietary requirements are met, enhancing the overall experience for passengers with special dietary needs.

Are all transfers included?
For the Olympos to Fethiye cruise, passengers are transferred from Olympos to Demre as part of the cruise package. Upon arrival in Fethiye, no transfers are provided. For Fethiye to Olympos cruises, passengers are collected from centrally located hotels in Fethiye (excluding Calis, Oludeniz, Hisaronu, and Ovacik) and transferred to Olympos at the end of the cruise. While no other transfers are included, passengers can arrange special pick-up and drop-off arrangements by consulting with a member of the alaturca crew before the cruise.

Is there WiFi onboard?
All gulets operated by alaturca are equipped with WiFi, providing passengers with connectivity during the cruise. While free WiFi options are available onboard, reception may vary in certain locations. Nonetheless, the provision of WiFi enhances passenger experience, allowing for communication and connectivity during the journey.

Do you accept credit card payments?
All cruise balances, optional activities, and bar tabs must be settled in cash, as credit card payments are not accepted. This policy ensures clarity regarding payment methods and facilitates smooth transactions during the cruise. Passengers are advised to plan accordingly and carry sufficient cash for any additional expenses incurred during the trip.

Land Tours
Explore the rich history and breathtaking landscapes of Turkey through our meticulously crafted Land Tours. Led by experienced guides, these tours offer immersive experiences, allowing you to discover the hidden treasures and cultural marvels of this enchanting destination.

What is the difference between door-to-door and semi-door-to-door tours?
A full door-to-door service entails the convenience of being picked up directly from your hotel and dropped off at the doorstep of your next accommodation. This comprehensive service ensures a seamless and hassle-free transition between locations.

In some instances, especially with bus services, achieving a complete door-to-door service may not always be feasible. In such cases, passengers are required to use the public bus system, which is pre-organized by the tour operator. This more limited service, where certain legs of the journey involve public transportation, is referred to as a semi-door-to-door tour. This distinction is essential for travelers to understand the extent of the transportation services provided during their tour.

What do I do with my itinerary?
If you have booked a tour lasting longer than one day, you will receive a detailed itinerary from an alaturca staff member. The itinerary serves as a comprehensive breakdown of your tour, providing day-to-day details such as pick-up times, pick-up locations, booked accommodations, and inclusions for each day. It is crucial to read and familiarize yourself with the itinerary as it contains essential information for the duration of your trip.

While you may not need to show the itinerary to individuals along the way, having it readily accessible is a good practice to ensure a smooth and organized travel experience. The pre-booking of all details in the itinerary contributes to a well-planned and coordinated tour.

Who do I contact if I have any questions along the way?
It is advisable to ensure that you are comfortable with your itinerary before departure. However, should you have any questions or require assistance from the alaturca team during your tour or trip throughout Turkey, various contact methods are available.
Your itinerary will include our office number, a 24-hour mobile number, and a fax number for communication. Additionally, the team can be reached online through E-mail or WhatsApp. Notably, the mobile number provided in your itinerary is available 24 hours a day, ensuring accessibility in case of emergencies day or night. For a comprehensive list of confirmed contact details, you can visit the “Contact Us” section on the alaturca website.

When considering a private charter with alaturca, we have prepared comprehensive information to facilitate the booking process. It is essential to request our Private Charter booking guide and the pre-departure pack, both of which contain invaluable information regarding the booking process and the cruise itself.

What routes are available for private cruises?
All routes offered by alaturca are available for private cruises. However, it is advisable to consult with a member of the alaturca team before selecting your route. Our team can provide suggestions tailored to your group’s preferences and requirements. It’s important to note that the route of the cruise is subject to agreement between the contracting parties, including the ports for boarding and disembarking.

When do the private cruises depart?
Private cruises are most popular from April to the end of October, coinciding with the peak tourist season. However, private charters are available at other times upon request. To secure preferred dates and availability, it is strongly recommended to book ahead, especially during peak season. The popularity of cabin cruises and private charters often results in full bookings two to three weeks ahead of departure times.

Do I need to book ahead?
Yes, alaturca strongly advises booking ahead, particularly during peak season. The popularity of cabin cruises and private charters means that availability can be limited, with instances of being fully booked out for two to three weeks ahead of departure times. Booking in advance not only secures preferred dates but also provides a wider choice of available gulets for charter.

How many crew members will be on the trip?
Typically, there are three dedicated crew members on each gulet: a Captain, Chef, and Skipper. Depending on the size and conditions of the gulet, there may be variations in the crew count, with the possibility of one less or one extra crew member on board. This ensures a well-rounded team capable of managing the various aspects of the private charter experience.

Will the crew speak English?
While English may not be the first language in Turkey, passengers can generally expect at least one crew member who can communicate fluently in English. The crew is trained to handle international guests, and efforts are made to ensure effective communication throughout the trip. While fluent English-speaking crew members may not be guaranteed, alaturca strives to provide a comfortable and accommodating experience for all passengers, regardless of language barriers

What do I need to bring on board?
Essential Packing List
1. Passports for check-in.

2. Towels: Please note that alaturca does NOT provide swimming towels.

3. Personal Items: Include sunblock, after-sun lotion, mosquito repellent, seasickness tablets, sunglasses, swimsuit, camera, and shoes for onshore excursions. However, it’s important to note that shoes are NOT allowed to be worn on the boat.

4. Optional Snacks: While cigarettes or snacks such as chocolate and crisps are not sold onboard, passengers are welcome to bring their own. Additionally, passengers can purchase snacks along the way at harbors visited during the cruise.

What’s Included
• Accommodation in a cabin with a private bathroom.
• Three meals a day plus afternoon tea.
• All gulet taxes, port fees, and harbor departure paperwork.
• Bed linen and towels.
What’s Not Included
• Drinks.
• Entrance fees.
• Optional extras like water sports or other offered activities.
• Tips for the crew.
• Swimming towels.
• Snacks and meals.

Are meals provided on the boat?
Meals are not typically included in the price quoted for standard private cruises. Alaturca the company handling your cruise, will discuss meal options with you at the time of booking. Generally, Alaturca will quote a meal package on top of the gulet hire, which includes three meals a day plus afternoon tea. These packages can range from standard to deluxe options.

If you prefer to bring your own food onboard, alaturca will take you shopping before boarding the gulet so you can purchase supplies. However, it’s important to note that the chef will still be responsible for cooking and preparing all meals, so arrangements should be discussed with them before departure.

Do you provide towels?
For private charters, Alaturca will provide each person onboard with one bathroom towel. However, passengers are advised to bring an additional towel or light sarong for use on the sunbeds while sunbathing and lying down. This helps protect the sunbeds from sunscreen and salt on the body, enhancing the overall comfort of passengers during the cruise.

Am I allowed to bring my drinks on board?
Yes, you are permitted to bring your drinks for your private cruise. If you choose to bring your drinks, you will be responsible for all shopping and restocking of the bar throughout the duration of the cruise. Alternatively, if you prefer not to bring your drinks, alaturca will provide you with a drink request list.

You can mark down your group’s preferences, and the bar will be stocked accordingly at reasonable prices. It’s essential to confirm your preference for drinks at the time of booking to ensure proper arrangements are made.

Is there snorkeling gear and water sports equipment on the gulet?
Yes, most of our boats are equipped with snorkeling equipment and some water sport flotation devices. The availability of this equipment may vary from boat to boat, and passengers will share it with others on the cruise. Therefore, if you are passionate about snorkeling or desire a floatable sunbed at every swimming stop, it’s advisable to bring along your gear for a more personalized experience.

Is there anywhere that I can charge my camera, phone, or other electrical items on the gulet?
All gulets are equipped with standard power plugs providing 12W or 24W power, which may not be sufficient for charging large electrical items like laptops or using devices such as hair dryers or hair straighteners. However, this power is suitable for charging smaller devices like phones, iPods, or camera batteries.

When the gulets are in the harbor, passengers have access to 220W power, which is ideal for charging larger items if necessary. Some gulets are equipped with generators that allow charging at 220W, although this is only operational at specific times. Additionally, certain gulets operate solely on solar power, enhancing sustainability and environmental consciousness.

Do the gulets have to air-condition?
The choice of air-conditioning on gulets is entirely up to you. Alaturca can provide standard Turkish gulets without air-conditioning, or for an additional cost, you can hire a boat with air-conditioning. The choice of the gulet and its additional extras is entirely customizable according to your preferences and needs.

How do I book a private cruise?
To book your private cruise, simply contact a member of the alaturca team at [email protected]. Our team will tailor your cruise to your specific needs, assist with selecting a cruise route that suits your group’s preferences, and provide information on the availability of our boats. Our dedicated staff will ensure that your private cruise experience meets and exceeds your expectations.