

Kekova: A Maritime Tapestry of Sunken Cities and Tranquil Islands
Kekova, a mesmerizing region on the Turkish Riviera, unfolds as a maritime tapestry woven with tales of sunken cities, ancient ruins, and serene islands. This captivating destination, nestled between the azure waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the rugged beauty of the Taurus Mountains, beckons travelers with its unique blend of historical significance and natural splendor. From the sunken city beneath the waves to the tranquil islands dotting the coastline, Kekova invites exploration into the mysteries of the past and the tranquil retreats of the present.

Kekova’s allure is anchored in its historical marvels, with the sunken city of Dolchiste emerging as a testament to the region’s rich past.

Dolchiste: The Sunken City
Explore the sunken city of Dolchiste, submerged beneath the clear waters of Kekova Bay. This ancient Lycian city, partially submerged due to seismic activity, offers a mesmerizing underwater journey for snorkelers and divers. The remnants of staircases, walls, and structures beneath the sea surface create an ethereal landscape, evoking the history of a bygone era.

Simena: Hillside Fortress
Visit Simena, a picturesque village with a hillside fortress overlooking Kekova Bay. The fortress, dating back to the Middle Ages, provides panoramic views of the surrounding islands and the sunken city, offering a glimpse into the region’s maritime and cultural history.

Kekova unfolds as a nautical playground, inviting visitors to explore its islands, coves, and hidden wonders.

Tersane Island: Ruins and Crystal Waters
Discover Tersane Island, where ancient ruins coexist with crystal-clear waters. The island’s historic significance, evident in the remnants of a Byzantine church and a boatyard, blends seamlessly with the natural beauty that surrounds it. The shallow waters surrounding Tersane Island also make it a popular spot for snorkeling and swimming.

Kalekoy: Castle and Lycian Tombs
Visit Kaleköy, a charming village crowned by a hilltop castle and adorned with Lycian tombs. The castle, built by the Knights of Rhodes in the Middle Ages, offers panoramic views of the region. The Lycian tombs, carved into the cliffs, add a touch of ancient mystique to the village.


Kekova’s Islands and secluded bays provide tranquil retreats for those seeking solace amidst the beauty of nature.

Gokkaya Bay: Secluded Paradise
Anchor in Gokkaya Bay, a secluded paradise surrounded by pine-covered hills. This tranquil bay, accessible by boat, offers a peaceful escape where visitors can swim in the turquoise waters, sunbathe on secluded beaches, and immerse themselves in the untouched beauty of the Turkish Riviera.

Kekova Island: A Serene Haven
Explore Kekova Island, a serene haven adorned with lush vegetation and hidden coves. The island’s hiking trails lead to ancient ruins and panoramic viewpoints, creating an immersive experience for nature lovers and history enthusiasts alike.

As the sun sets over Kekova, the region transforms into a canvas of colors, offering enchanting moments for those who appreciate the beauty of twilight.

Sunset Cruise: Kaleidoscope of Hues
Embark on a sunset cruise around Kekova, where the fading sunlight creates a kaleidoscope of hues on the horizon. The reflections on the water, combined with the silhouette of ancient ruins, offer a magical spectacle that epitomizes the romance of the Turkish Riviera.

Ucagız Village: Twilight Tranquility
Experience twilight tranquility in Ucagız Village, a coastal settlement near Kekova. As the sun sets, the village’s waterfront comes alive with the glow of lights, creating a serene atmosphere that invites contemplation and relaxation.

Kekova caters to both adventure enthusiasts and those seeking the wonders beneath the sea.

Scuba Diving Adventures
Embark on scuba diving adventures in Kekova to explore the underwater wonders of the Mediterranean. The region’s clear waters reveal ancient amphorae, marine life, and the captivating remnants of the sunken city, providing a thrilling experience for divers of all levels.

Sailing Expeditions
Set sail on a nautical expedition around Kekova, navigating through hidden coves and secluded bays. Whether on a traditional gulet or a private yacht, sailing in Kekova allows travelers to appreciate the region’s beauty from a unique perspective and access remote areas that are otherwise inaccessible.

Kekova’s culinary scene harmonizes with its coastal ambiance, offering fresh seafood and local flavors.

Ucagız Restaurants: Seaside Dining
Indulge in seaside dining at the restaurants in Ucagız, where traditional Turkish dishes and freshly caught seafood take center stage. The waterfront setting, accompanied by the gentle lapping of the waves, enhances the gastronomic experience, providing a taste of coastal delights.

Demre: Culinary Exploration
Venture to Demre, a town near Kekova, for a culinary exploration that includes local delicacies and authentic Turkish cuisine. The town’s eateries, tucked away in historic streets, offer a blend of flavors that showcase the diversity of Turkish gastronomy.

Kekova is committed to responsible tourism, ensuring the preservation of its marine ecosystems and cultural treasures.

Marine Conservation Programs
Support marine conservation programs in Kekova that focus on preserving the region’s underwater biodiversity. Initiatives such as coral reef protection, sea turtle conservation, and responsible boating practices contribute to maintaining the ecological balance of Kekova’s marine environment.

Cultural Heritage Preservation
Participate in cultural heritage preservation efforts, including the maintenance of ancient ruins and historical sites in Kekova. Responsible tourism practices help safeguard the region’s cultural heritage for future generations, ensuring that the tales of sunken cities and ancient civilizations endure.

Kekova offers a selection of accommodations that blend coastal elegance with the tranquility of the Turkish Riviera.

Boutique Hotels: Seaside Luxury
Choose from boutique hotels in Kekova, where seaside luxury meets personalized service. These intimate accommodations, often nestled along the coastline, provide a retreat that harmonizes with the natural beauty of the region.

Gulet Stays: Nautical Retreats
Opt for gulet stays in Kekova for a nautical retreat that combines traditional charm with modern comforts. Staying on a gulet allows visitors to immerse themselves in the maritime spirit of Kekova, waking up to the gentle rocking of the boat and panoramic views of the sea.

Kekova’s allure lies in its ability to capture moments of maritime magic, whether through historical exploration, nautical adventures, or tranquil escapes.

Kekova Photography Tours: Visual Storytelling
Participate in Kekova photography tours that focus on visual storytelling. From capturing the underwater wonders during a scuba diving expedition to framing the sunset spectacle over the sunken city, these tours allow visitors to create lasting memories of Kekova’s maritime magic.

Kalekoy Music Festivals: Coastal Harmony
Attend music festivals in Kalekoy, where the coastal harmony of Kekova provides a unique backdrop for live performances. The combination of music, sea breeze, and historical ambiance creates an atmosphere that resonates with the maritime spirit of the region.

Kekova, with its sunken cities, tranquil islands, and maritime wonders, stands as a maritime tapestry on the Turkish Riviera. Whether diving into the history of Dolchiste, sailing through secluded bays, or savoring seafood by the sea, Kekova invites travelers to embark on a journey that transcends time and captures the essence of coastal elegance. This captivating region, where ancient ruins coexist with pristine nature, promises an immersive experience where the tales of the past echo through the crystal-clear waters, creating a symphony of maritime enchantment.

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Destination Related Yachts Kekova